About Sasha:
Sasha is a Chiropractor and Kinesiologist practicing in Kelowna, BC, Canada. He grew up in the Toronto area, playing competitive baseball and basketball through highschool. He attained his Honours degree in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo where he also started his training career coaching athletes in the weight room. After graduation, he took over as the strength and conditioning coach for the Camosun Chargers basketball teams in 2014, in Victoria, BC. His curiosity and personal experience with injuries led him back to formal education in 2015. He graduated with his Doctor of Chiropractic degree, with honours, in 2018.
During his formal education, Sasha has taken dozens of courses in biochemistry, nutrition, statistics and research methods which allows him to have a deep understanding of nutritional science. Since graduating he continues reading scientific literature to stay current on the latest evidence in all areas relating to his profession. He has been practicing Chiropractic since 2019, integrating manual therapy, strength training and programming principles, and nutritional strategies to get his patients optimal results. He currently scratches the competitive itch in fitness, and the occasional endurance race, and plays golf and snowboards for fun. He has an interest in all strength and fitness related sports.
Doctor of Chiropractic
Bachelor of Science, Honours Kinesiology
Bachelor of Science, Human Biology
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Registered Kinesiologist
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