Oleksiy Kononov in the gym

Oleksiy Kononov

Former Cirque Du Soleil Artist

Ukrainian Gymnast

About Oleksiy

More than 25 years ago Oleksiy started his sports career. He major in gymnastics which is
definitely not an easy sport to go in for!

To become an athletic champion (in Ukraine, for instance, we mean here the title of
"Master of Sports") in gymnastics, one needs to spend at least 10 years and start
training no later than being six years old. As for Oleksiy, he has fulfilled all the criteria.

During this period of time, definitely not short, he managed to become:

  • Master of Sports, Champion of the State and International Tournaments;
  • Member of the national team of Ukraine, having a perfect opportunity to train the best team ever!
  • Part of Cirque Du Soleil team (as an artist)

His profession is to do incredible things, reminding himself and others that human possibilities are endless.

He appreciates the active environment, so for more than 10 years he has been sharing his experience like a gymnastics coach, as a Fitness Academy Methodist, on Instagram and in a blog.
