Fitness and Sport Writer



Full-time / Part-time

Job Description:


Your working duties will include making in-depth research and creating exemplary content in the field of sports considering the given technical task prepared by our SEO specialist. We guarantee that you won’t fed up with writing texts because our major requirement for creating the content is to make it simple, clear, yet scientifically approved.

As a Sports Writer, your duties involve:

  • making thorough research on the given topics
  • writing diverse content, i.e., articles, reviews, info texts, blog posts, etc
  • performing detailed analysis of gym equipment, sports supplements, etc
  • creating advertising content for our website and blog.

These are just the initial points of duties you’ll perform by working with us. With each day, you’ll get more and more hooking tasks that will also resonate with your sports interests.

Hours / Amount of Work

You are free to set your own hours, but we need 3-4 high-quality posts per week. Each post will be between 1,000-4,000 words (I will let you know the approximate size of each article).


Payment is made per article, not for the exact number of words or per word. Please, specify your typical rates per 1k words in your proposal (see more below).


  • This job requires you to be extremely fluent in English. I will only consider applicants from native, bilingual, or very fluent English writers.
  • Experience in writing engaging content.
  • Ability to do comprehensive topic research.
  • Ability to deliver on time.

What We Aren't Looking For:

  • Writers with poor English and writing skills;
  • Writers who can’t manage their own time;
  • One-time authors (I’m looking for a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation).

If you are interested in this position – feel free to join our team!