Power Snatch Exercise: How To, Benefits & Variations

Power Snatch Exercise: How To, Benefits & Variations

If you want to boost your strength and power but you don’t want to be caught up in a series of the same few exercises, power snatch is going to be a great addition to your workout. 

This exercise might seem intense, but don’t get discouraged, because you can do it; if you read this guideline thoroughly you’re going to understand all the necessary steps that you need to follow in order to succeed, step by step.

You’ll learn how to perfect your form, but also how to recognize common mistakes in order to do the power snatch lift perfectly. Again, don’t worry, because everything you need to know you will find out soon.

So grab your barbell, and prepare yourself to be surprised at how well you’re going to do while learning how to power snatch like a pro!

Deadlift Hook Grip

What is Power Snatch?

Snatch is a complex weightlifting exercise that is actively used by athletes of various disciplines. Fitness athletes often use it to develop muscle endurance and explosive strength. 

This is a basic exercise in which most of the muscles and joints work. The correct implementation of the technique must be taken very seriously. This exercise is considered highly demanding, so it is better to pay attention to the technique and start your barbell snatch lifts under the guidance of a competent coach.

The power snatch is a subtype of a classic snatch, and the difference between them is not as obvious as it seems. In general, the difference lies in several features of the catch position but the main one is that:

  • The position of the hips should be fully horizontal or higher. Meaning, you must receive the bar overhead in a half squat, not a full squat.

What’s the main goal of mastering Power Snatch? Well, there’s a couple:

  • Speed and Power development for athletes of all types of sports – because the load must be lighter than with regular snatch and there are fewer mobility and tech requirements.
  • An entry point for learning snatch
  • Great addition of Olympic lifting exercises for cross-training to build well-rounded fitness.

The power snatch is a versatile exercise that is going to give you serious results even if you’re a beginner learning the basics.

How to Do the Power Snatch?

When you look at the professional doing power snatches, it can really look intimidating, but when you look at it from step to step, you will realize that it is more approachable than it seems. 

No one says that it should be easy cause that is not the case for sure, but it is absolutely doable with the right technique and, of course, a lot of practice.

Ready to master the power snatch? Let’s see that technique!

1. Starting Position

You need to get into the right setup in order to do this power snatch lift properly. First, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The barbell should be gripped with a wide, overhand (snatch) grip. Palms must face your body. You need to position the barbell close to your shins, over the middle of your feet.

Now, bend your knees a little bit, your hips must be pushed back, and keep your chest up, shoulders covering/over the bar. The golden rule is that your back should remain straight, core engaged, and eyes looking forward. 

This is how you’ll start your lift. 

Starting Position

2. First Pull

The next step is to start a lift, which you should start by pushing through your feet and extending your knees. Don’t forget to keep your chest up while doing that. Lift the barbell and keep your back straight. This part can be “fairly” slow and controlled. When the bar passes your knees, you will be ready for the next phase.

First Pull

3. Second Pull (Explosive Phase)

Have you heard before about triple extension? If the answer is “no,” please don’t worry because in this phase of lift, you are going to learn how to do it. 

The lifting motion may vary slightly depending on the weight you’re trying to lift but in theory, it shouldn’t. 

When the barbell has already passed your knees, you need to explosively extend your hips, knees, and ankles, ideally in one moment, when the barbell hits your hip crease - the right point of contact. 

And that is a triple extension and power position, which are very important for this lift. After the contact bar should go up vertically. 

Keep the bar close to your body while you are pulling it upward. Your shoulders should be shrugged upward and your elbows high and outside in a smooth pulling motion. Well, we are coming to the part where power is crucial.

Hook Grip

4. Turnover and Catch

When the bar comes to the chest height, rotate your wrists quickly, bringing your elbows under the bar. While you're doing that, at the same time, drop into a partial squat.

Now, it is time to catch the barbell overhead with fully extended arms, and locked elbows. In this phase of exercise, it is very important that the bar is directly above your head and your body is stable.

Turnover and Catch

5. Recovery

When the barbell is secured over your head, you should extend your knees and hips, standing tall. Keep it that way until you are fully upright. 

Lower the barbell back down with control. You can also drop it safely if your gym allows that or you have crash pads.

A Simple Power Snatch Program

For beginners or those who want to learn more about the methodology and practice of snatches, special masterclasses can be used. For example, the Snatch Masterclass of 20 step-by-step lessons, which includes hours of theory and practice, will help you understand the basics of Olympic Snatch weightlifting.

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Such a course will provide, first of all, a theoretical basis and, at the same time reinforce it with precise recommendations for the practical implementation of the exercise. This is the optimal course for functional fitness athletes and beginner Olympic weightlifters.

In any case, it is worth starting training only with a basic set of knowledge about the mechanics of snatches, under the supervision of a trainer, and only after you have previously paid attention to additional exercises, stretching, and warming up.

Classic and power snatches are one of the basic weightlifting exercises. They are used both in Olympic weightlifting programs and in functional fitness workouts. 

Despite the apparent simplicity of movement, the mechanics of snatches are quite complex. It involves several muscle groups at once and requires a thoughtful approach at each stage of the exercise.

What’s more, snatches can be inherently traumatic if you do them with the wrong form, no precise weight control, or the wrong warm-up. 

Therefore, it is very important to master the theory before performing this type of strength exercise, to reinforce it with practice on individual exercises that are important for a full-fledged lifting of the barbell in the snatch technique.

Turnover and Catch

5 Common Power Snatch Mistakes

Like with any other exercise it’s essential to do it with a proper form to avoid injuries. Not only that small mistakes can lead to injuries, but they can also limit your progress.

Here are 5 of the most common mistakes you can avoid.

❌ Skipping the Warm-Up

You need to prepare your muscles, joints, and nervous system for heavy lifting, and if you skip that part, that can lead to injuries or reduced effectiveness in exercise performance. 

Keep in mind that lifting light weights with high velocity can produce more force than lifting heavy and as a result stress your joints more than you would expect. Make sure you are ready for what is coming.

❌ Incorrect Starting Position

This is the base of your exercise. If the base is bad, your performance will be as well. Make a good setup following the guidelines on how to do a power snatch that you already read, and you have a big chance of doing it perfectly. Starting position is crucial for proper execution. 

For example placing the bar too far or too close will lead to weight shifting and incorrect bar path which will force you to jump forward or backward and quite often miss the lift (best case scenario). 

Another one is if the grip is too narrow in the starting position you will likely hit your pubic bone and believe me - it’s a painful lesson.

❌ Using Only the Arms

Power is not in your arms, and it should be in your hips and legs. The drive is from your legs, not arms. You cannot maintain strength and proper form if you pull the bar up using only your arms, they are assisting in the beginning.

❌ Letting the Bar Drift Away

If you allow the bar to move too far from your body that is probably going to affect your performance in a way that you will lose control and efficiency. When the bar is close to your body, your balance is better, and it reduces strain on your lower back.

❌ Not Fully Extending the Hips

This can completely reduce the power of your lift. Make sure that you drive your hips forward explosively and reach full extension.

Turnover and Catch

5 Benefits of Power Snatch

The Power Snatch isn’t just some cool-looking exercise. It is a powerhouse move with major fitness perks.

Mastering this power snatch lift will level up your speed, strength, and overall athletic ability.

✅ Develops Explosive Power

The Power Snatch is really about full-body movement. It teaches your body to produce maximum force in minimal time.

The power snatch benefits are countless for sports and activities requiring quick, powerful movements. Force production but also force absorption!

✅ Boosts Full-Body Strength

The Power snatch hits so many muscle groups: Your legs, back, shoulders, and core simultaneously, which is so beneficial for building tremendous strength.

✅ Enhances Coordination and Balance

Power snatch is an exercise that requires syncing your upper and lower body with precise timing. That is great for coordination, balance, and overall performance.

✅ Improves Flexibility and Mobility

This is so good for the mobility of your shoulders, hips, and ankles. If you practice the movement regularly, you will also increase flexibility.

✅ Stronger Core

When you need to stabilize your body for the lift, your core works overtime. Every lift helps build a stronger midsection.

Turnover and Catch

2 Power Snatch Variations

1. Hang Power Snatch

For this exercise, you need to start with the barbell above your knees. It is great for building explosive power and working on fast turnover.

2. Block Power Snatch

You can begin with the bar on blocks at knee height. It will give you focus on speed and power.

5 Power Snatch Alternatives

1. Power Clean and Jerk

It is a similar full-body motion that builds explosive power.

2. Hang Power Clean

Focuses on hip drive and upper-body strength.

3. Push Press

Overhead pressing strengthens shoulders and core.

4. Overhead Squat

This develops mobility and stability, but also a core strength.

5. Dumbbell Snatch

This is a unilateral alternative that is great for improving balance and coordination.

Who Should Do Power Snatch?

The power snatch lift is an ideal exercise for athletes and weightlifters but also for fitness enthusiasts who want to build explosive strength and look for a challenge and change in their routine.

It is the most suitable for intermediate to advanced lifters, but if you are a beginner, you can also do it with proper coaching and technique practices.

Muscles Worked by the Power Snatch

The power snatch is so beneficial for multiple muscle groups because it is basically a full-body exercise:

  • Legs: Quads, hamstring, and glutes.
  • Back: Traps, lats, and lower back.
  • Shoulders and Arms: Delts, Biceps, and triceps.
  • Core.

Turnover and Catch


Now, you’re probably aware of how powerful the exercise of power snatch is. This full-body exercise is perfect for building strength, speed, and coordination. But, the benefits go even further to mobility and balance.

If you learn proper technique, you can avoid common mistakes and achieve maximum potential.

You don’t have to be a professional weightlifter to do the power snatch. It is a great exercise for fitness enthusiasts as well. Just be consistent and focus on form. Very soon, you will see how your strength and performance are getting better with each practice.

And as a final touch, if you have any comments (e.g., questions, suggestions, tips/tricks, etc.) regarding the power snatch exercise or any part of this article, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.


  1. 1. Czaplicki, A., Szyszka, P., Sacharuk, J., & Jaszczuk, J. "Modeling record scores in the snatch and its variations in the long-term training of young weightlifters." Edited by Dalton Müller Pessôa Filho. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, PMCID: PMC6890263, PMID: 31794578 (accessed December 9th, 2024)
  2. 2. Diaz, N., Jensen, C., & Van Ness, M. "Acute Effects of the Power Snatch on Vertical Jump Performance." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 49, no. 5S, May 2017, p. 127. DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000517175.13603.3e. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Denver, CO (accessed December 9th, 2024)
  3. 3. Arauz, P. G., Garcia, G., & Llerena, J. "Biomechanical analysis of the snatch technique for elite and varsity weightlifters." Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 175, Oct. 2024, Article 112291 (accessed December 9th, 2024)
  4. 4. Hadi, G., Akkuş, H., & Harbili, E. "Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of the snatch technique for lifting different barbell weights." Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, vol. 26, no. 6, June 2012, pp. 1568-1576. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318231abe9 (accessed December 9th, 2024)
  5. 5. Yang, W. C., Wang, S. Y., Chiu, C. H., Ye, X., Weng, M. C., Jhang, J. C., & Chen, C. H. "Effect of different resistance increments during warm-up on the snatch performance of male weightlifters." Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (accessed December 9th, 2024)
  6.  All Photos Made by Torokhtiy Media Team.

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Olympic Weightlifting Champion

Experience: 21 years

Best Results: Snatch – 200 kg,

C&J - 240 kg

My name is Oleksiy Torokhtiy. I am a professional athlete with 20 years of experience in Olympic weightlifting. I have won multiple European, and World titles and have taken part in two Olympic Games (Beijing 2008, London 2012).

After finishing my career, I have committed myself to coach, and as of 2022, I’ve hosted 200+ weightlifting seminars all over the globe. I’m the founder of an international sportswear and accessories brand, Warm Body Cold Mind (my motto), author, and creator of a series of training programs and eBooks.

If you have any questions/suggestions/any other inquiry, you can reach out to us via email - reviews@torokhtiy.com

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