4-Week Power Clean Program

4-Week Power Clean Program


Embarking on a power clean program can significantly enhance your explosive power, strength and overall athleticism. 

This 4-week regimen is structured to gradually increase the intensity and complexity of your workouts, ensuring steady progress and technical refinement.

In the initial week, the focus is on mastering the basic techniques of the power clean. 

Proper form is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure effective training. Start with a light weight to concentrate on the mechanics of the lift.

power clean 4 week program

Week Example

Day Specific Warm-up Reps Main Load Sets Reps Mobility & Stretching
Day 1
Hyperextension 15 Clean High Pulls 4 5
10-15 minutes focusing on hips and shoulders
Goblet Squat 12 Hang Power Clean below knees 4 3
Elbow Rotation 8 Front Squat 4 5
Day 2
Superman 20 Power Clean + Front Squat 4 3+3
10-15 minutes focusing on hips and back
Lateral Lunges 10 Clean Pull 3 3
PVC Muscle Clean + Front Squat + Press 4+4+4 Single-leg Deadlift 3 8
Day 3
Hyperextension 15 Power Clean 5 3
10-15 minutes focusing on back and hamstrings.
Bulgarian Split Squat 6+6 Back Squat 4 3
Elbow Rotation with rubber band 8 Box Jumps 4 8

Day 1


Dynamic stretches focusing on shoulders and hips.

Specific Warm-up 

Work in circuit mode for 3 rounds:

  1. Hyperextension: 15 reps
  2. Goblet Squat: 12 reps
  3. Elbow Rotation: 8 reps

Main Load

  1. Clean High Pulls: 60% of max Clean, 4 sets / 5 reps. Develop explosive pulling power and reinforce the bar path.
  2. Hang Power Clean below knees: 70% of max Clean, 4 sets / 3 reps. Improve catching mechanics and timing.
  3. Front Squat: 80% of max Front Squat, 4 sets / 5 reps

Build leg strength and core stability.

Mobility & Stretching 

10-15 minutes focusing on hips and shoulders.

Day 2


Emphasis on wrists, hips and shoulders.

Specific Warm-up 

Work in circuit mode for 3 rounds:

  1. Superman: 20 reps
  2. Lateral Lunges: 10 reps each side
  3. PVC Muscle Clean + Front Squat + Press: 4+4+4 reps

Main Load

  1. Power Clean + Front Squat: 65% of max Clean, 4 sets / 3+3 reps. Enhance clean transition and leg strength.
  2. Clean Pull: 90% of max Clean, 3 sets / 3 reps. Increase pulling leg and back strength.
  3. Single-leg Deadlift: use comfortable weight, 3 sets / 8 reps each leg. Improve balance and unilateral leg strength.

Mobility & Stretching

10-15 minutes focusing on hips and back

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Day 3


Full-body dynamics.

Specific Warm-up 

Work in circuit mode for 3 rounds:

  1. Hyperextension: 15 reps
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat: 6+6 reps
  3. Elbow Rotation with rubber band: 8 reps

Main Load

  1. Power Clean: 75% of max Clean, 5 sets / 3 reps. Develop overall explosive power and clean technique.
  2. Back Squat: 80% of max Back Squat, 4 sets / 3 reps. Build overall brute strength.
  3. Box Jumps: 4 sets / 8 reps. Enhance explosive power and leg drive.

Mobility & Stretching 

10-15 minutes focusing on back and hamstrings. 

7 Programming Recommendations for Further Progress

Weeks 2-4: Intensification and Technique Refinement


Elevate Your Game with the POWER CLEAN Program!

power clean program

🏋️‍♂️ Boost explosive strength in 6 weeks.

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📆 Three intense sessions per week for 6 weeks.

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Quick results without long-term commitment.

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1. Gradual Load Increase

Increase load by 2-3% each week to build strength and power progressively.

2. Technique Emphasis

Focus on refining form. Ensure every lift is performed with proper technique to avoid injuries.

3. Incorporate Variation

Include variations like power cleans from different positions (e.g., deficit, hang, blocks) and use complexes (Power Clean + Front Squat, Clean Pull + Power Clean, Paused Power Clean + Hang Power Clean) to target different aspects of the lift.

4. Accessory Work

Continue incorporating accessory exercises like Front & Back Squats, RDLs, Single-leg Deadlifts, Good Mornings, Lat Rows variations, Muscle Squat Cleans, dynamic and static Core exercises to build supporting strength.

5. Conditioning

Add conditioning drills such as Sled Pushes, Sprints, or plyometric exercises (Depth Jumps, Barbell Squat Jumps) to enhance explosive power and overall conditioning.

6. Mobility and Recovery

Dedicate time to mobility exercises and ensure adequate recovery to prevent overtraining and promote muscle growth.

7. Monitor Progress

Regularly assess performance through video analysis or coaching feedback to make necessary adjustments in technique and programming.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure steady progress and achieve significant improvements in your power clean performance and overall strength.


A structured 4-week power clean program can significantly enhance your strength, power, and overall athletic performance. By focusing on technique, gradually increasing intensity, and incorporating mobility work, you’ll set a strong foundation for continued progress. 

Let us know in the comment section what is your favorite power clean variation. Remember, consistency and proper form are key to success.  


  1. Comfort P, Allen M, Graham-Smith P. Kinetic comparisons during variations of the power clean. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Dec;25(12):3269-73. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182184dea. PMID: 22080325.
  2. Kipp K, Malloy PJ, Smith JC, Giordanelli MD, Kiely MT, Geiser CF, Suchomel TJ. Mechanical Demands of the Hang Power Clean and Jump Shrug: A Joint-Level Perspective. J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Feb;32(2):466-474. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001636. PMID: 27669182.
  3. Kilduff LP, Bevan H, Owen N, Kingsley MI, Bunce P, Bennett M, Cunningham D. Optimal loading for peak power output during the hang power clean in professional rugby players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2007 Sep;2(3):260-9. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2.3.260. PMID: 19168926.
  4. Mausehund L, Skard AE, Krosshaug T. Muscle Activation in Unilateral Barbell Exercises: Implications for Strength Training and Rehabilitation. J Strength Cond Res. 2019 Jul;33 Suppl 1:S85-S94. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002617. PMID: 29870422.
  5. Mackey ER, Riemann BL. Biomechanical Differences Between the Bulgarian Split-Squat and Back Squat. Int J Exerc Sci. 2021 Apr 1;14(1):533-543. PMID: 34055144; PMCID: PMC8136570.
  6. Photos by Torokhtiy Media Team.

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Olympic Weightlifting Champion

Experience: 21 years

Best Results: Snatch – 200 kg,

C&J - 240 kg

My name is Oleksiy Torokhtiy. I am a professional athlete with 20 years of experience in Olympic weightlifting. I have won multiple European, and World titles and have taken part in two Olympic Games (Beijing 2008, London 2012).

After finishing my career, I have committed myself to coach, and as of 2022, I’ve hosted 200+ weightlifting seminars all over the globe. I’m the founder of an international sportswear and accessories brand, Warm Body Cold Mind (my motto), author, and creator of a series of training programs and eBooks.

If you have any questions/suggestions/any other inquiry, you can reach out to us via email - reviews@torokhtiy.com

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8-Week Power Clean Program

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