Clean Training Program


5-week weightlifting training program aimed at developing CLEAN.

Most training sessions are filled with CLEAN variations. At the same time, the program contains a wide variety of squat and pull exercises with a high number of repetitions for the back and leg strength. Each weekly cycle is planned with a certain volume of snatch and jerk exercises for “activating the muscle memory” and maintain strength level. 


5 week program (25 sessions included)

created to develop result in CLEAN

provide neuromuscular adaptation

good for weightlifters and functional fitness athletes

Version compatible for mobile devices

One Time Purchase for #LifeTime Access.





Еach session is dedicated to CLEAN specific skills and drills. All workouts includes: special warmup routine for activation and prehab, consistent set of dynamic, strength and auxiliary exercises provide optimal training effect, rational alternation of heavy, technical and recovery sessions, which are balanced by volume and intensity. 

Duration: 45-100 minutes.

* Clean workout plan included in the interactive PDF 

* Bonus: PDF mobile version.


High variety of auxiliary exercises that are focused on power and speed development, technique optimization, timing and mobility improvement. These exercises will help build an athlete’s overall positional strength, which will lead to better numbers and more confidence in the CLEAN.


* Include access to video demonstrations.


The main volume of the program's load is aimed at developing the CLEAN, but also the program contains sufficient volume in snatch & jerk exercises for “activating the muscle memory”. 


* Recommended for offseason athletic development.


CLEAN requires maximal mobility, neuromuscular control, and power production. A special warmup routine for mobility and prehab before each session will help to prepare the full body for safe and effective training. It is a combination of auxiliary exercises to prepare muscles, ligaments, and joints. 


✔ intermediate and advanced male/female lifters; 

 ✔ weightlifters and functional fitness athletes during strength stage; 

 ✔ lifters who are stuck and want to develop result in Clean.

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5 weeks

10 weeks

15 weeks

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Workout Tutorial Videos

#LifeTime Access








5 weeks
10 weeks
15 weeks

Number of Programs


Workout Tutorial Videos

#LifeTime Access

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
PR + 10kg

This program allows me to have the correct volume of work to increase my strength and improve my clean technique.
Best clean before the program: 115 kg
Best clean after the program: 125 kg

Davide Bogni


Janeilla Thomas-John
PR’ed after being in remission

This program is amazing. I have not done cleans in 3years because I was battling cancer. I felt confident in my strength to jump back into Olympic weight lifting only a few months ago but I know I needed help. So I scoured the internet looking for a clean program specifically, I hate doing snatches. Was so glad it had o e day of snatches in it though. I PR’ed my old one rep max by 5.5lbs. Get this program ASAP. Thank you Oleksiy. 🙌🏽

First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt congratulations on beating cancer and entering remission. Your strength and determination are truly inspiring, and we are honored that you chose CLEAN CYCLE to support you on your path back to Olympic weight lifting.

Thank you again for choosing CLEAN CYCLE and for your kind words. We wish you continued success, good health, and many more PRs in the future. Keep up the great work!

Kujath Jason

I'm a 50 year old male and I thrive of this program.Helps you pack on size and strength.If you looking to increase your clean weight this is the program for you.

Krystian Kipiel

super satisfied, managed to add + 10 kg on PR after the full cycle!

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, we're so happy to hear that you are super satisfied with the results. We're proud to have helped you add an additional 10 kg on your lifts!


  • How many days per week is the training?

    You can perform this clean workout program in two ways:
    1. If the task is to build a base for further competitive training, we recommend 5 sessions per week, where Thursday and Sunday are off days.
    2. In the absence of a specific goal and competition timing, you can train every other day. This will extend the training program for almost 7 weeks and let you train sparingly with optimal recovery.

  • Can I combine it with other types of training?

    Yes, you can, but the program's effectiveness largely depends on your responsibility when it comes to the training process, sleep, nutrition, and recovery. Train smart, get enough rest.

  • Will this program prepare me for the competition?

    CLEAN CYCLE isn’t a program that should be used to get ready for a competition. After the completion of the training cycle, an athlete can do a MAXOUT session in the CLEAN to check their current progress. If your goal is to compete,I recommend to continue training using my competition training program.

  • What type of equipment is needed for this program?

    Barbell and Bumper Plates
    Squat Rack
    Rubber bands
    Plyometric Box (approx. 20-24 Inch)


This Clean training program has been battle tested by various athletes around the world. Here are some feedback from athletes who received the earliest access to the program:



What is Clean in weightlifting

The Olympic weightlifting move clean is a component of clean and jerk. It is a very useful auxiliary drill in functional fitness as well. Clean is applied to enhance the clean-and-jerk outcome. It is common in nearly all strength-based sports and competitions where competitors must also possess speed strength.

Overall, whether you're a man or a woman, you should definitely incorporate barbell clean in your training regimen if you need to develop C&J.

Muscles Work in Clean 

Clean is a challenging total-body drill that works the core, back, shoulders, arms, calves, glutes, and posterior thigh muscles.

Performing a clean lift involves multiple steps:

- starting position;

- pull;

- power position;

- turnover;

- recovery.

Phases, Techniques And Clean Progression 

Starting Position

The starting position is extremely important in the clean because, unlike certain slower exercises like the squat, it is a problem to adjust or correct the clean angles once you begin to lift.

The standard in Soviet schools is that the stance must be shoulder width. However, the Chinese advise picking a feet location convenient for jump up. 

The bar must be over midfoot.

To provide for some space for the trunk between the hips, the knees and feet and must be 6-10 degrees out.

The balance ought to be in the middle of the foot; some trainers even advocate shifting it a little bit toward the heel.

Which grip should you use for the clean?

Your hand should be about as wide as your shoulders in your grip. This stance of the clean grip has some benefits, including the ability to keep the arms straight while holding the barbell directing the knees out, the ability to catch the weight to the shoulders position without discomfort, and the ability to hold the barbell close to the hips during the pull to increase power during the power position and full extension.

The right body position as you are ready for the clean.

Athletes should arch their backs, open their chests, and raise their heads by 45 degrees. Bend your lower limbs joints so you can position the bar on the platform. Arms must be downright and loose, and shoulders must align with knees.

Don't worry about emulating someone else because the body angle relies on the length of the arm, trunk, and legs.


Approaching it as pushing the floor rather than pulling the barbell is the great tip to performing the perfect pull. It's crucial to extend up your shoulders and hips in unison. 

An athlete should keep the closest possible distance to the shin, thigh, and trunk throughout the entire action. Maintaining your shoulders above your knees, controlling your center of balance on your midfoot, remaining full foot up until the power position, and pressing the barbell closer to body by using your lats can help you achieve this.

Power Position

An athlete begins the power position: explosive knee, hip, and ankle extension when the barbell is at mid-thigh or a bit higher. The vertical explosion is now transmitted from the legs to the barbell. Athletes typically jump up from the full foot at this moment since it`s a perfect way to build up the greatest vertical force.


The athlete attempts to catch the weight in a complete squat position during the this phase. As a result, they should lower their bodies while lifting elbows forward/up and rotating around the barbell. Athletes who struggle with upper body mobility may require specialized mobility/flexibility workouts.

Catch Position & Recovery

Once the bar is fixed at the bottom, immediately stabilize your stance by standing up straight and extending your hip and knee joints. Maintain a firm core, high elbows, and a midfoot gravity point. 

There is some Olympic clean variations, such as: power clean, hang clean, squat clean

Power clean

The power clean is a compound weightlifting exercise. The power clean is an exercise that builds a ton of total body strength. It is designed to increase power, strength, and speed. The power clean program is a great way to add additional muscle mass and functional strength to your frame while also honing vital movement skills. The main difference between Olympic clean and power clean is the height of catch position. In power clean it must be as high as possible. And this is one one main focuses in power clean workout routine.

Hang clean

The starting posture and purpose of the lift are the two main distinctions between a clean and a hang clean program . Driving the barbell off the ground will be the first movement in a clean. The weight will begin a hang clean at the hips, as the name suggests. In order to generate the explosive force needed to move the weight from the hips into the front rack position during hang cleans, more hip drive is needed. Throughout the lift, the clean gains greater momentum and force. Both will result in an increase in muscle, strength, and power.

Hang clean

The starting posture and purpose of the lift are the two main distinctions between a clean and a hang clean program . Driving the barbell off the ground will be the first movement in a clean. The weight will begin a hang clean at the hips, as the name suggests. In order to generate the explosive force needed to move the weight from the hips into the front rack position during hang cleans, more hip drive is needed. Throughout the lift, the clean gains greater momentum and force. Both will result in an increase in muscle, strength, and power.

What's important for perfect clean

To make your clean perfect and strong, you must avoid this common mistakes:

Tense arms

The arm pull, or tight arms, is a common mistake in clean. But you ought to feel them like strings. You can only transmit the power from the leg muscles to the barbell in this situation. By moving elbows outside in the initial position, you can correct this error. Just at the start of the movement, concentrate on this. Usually, this error goes away after two to three weeks. 

The setup's bar far frowar from the mid-foot plane

An athlete cannot exert their maximal effort in the pull if he is too far from the bar. He will also get unbalanced. Don't rush the setup to prevent making this error. Make it a routine to check your starting position's "controlling points" before each set: balance on the middle of the feet, shoulders cover a bit the knees, back arched, and relaxed arms.


When a weightlifter leaps up in the power position, he is fully and vertically extended, and shoulders automatically point up. Nothing needs to be learned since it comes naturally.

Double bent knee

The knees bend again as the bar passes over them. Additionally, there is no instruction; nature is the focus.

Exercises to improve your clean results

To improve technique and develop result in clean it is mandatory to use variations of these strengths exercises, such as:

Power Clean

Power clean is the simplest version of Olympic clean. Technically, power clean is just a clean without a full depth squat. This exercise is used to train speed and strength in the first and second pull and power position, limiting the amount of time and distance the athlete can go under the barbell. It can also be used as a lighter variation for easy training days and in deload and tapering weeks.

Muscle Squat Clean

The Muscle squat Clean is a variation of the clean that can help to increase pulling power, clean turnover, and overall upper body strength associated with weightlifting movements. By doing muscle squat clean, lifters can learn how to properly position and secure the bar to their chest by aggressively guiding their elbows under the bar. Some athletes and lifters lack upper body strength to pull and finish the bar aggressively after a successful first and power position. Using Muscle Clean, the athlete is forced to maintain balance with the whole foot and finish vertically due to the inability to jump forward or backward. The increased vertical offset of the bar allows the lifter to get into a more stable front stance position. Also this exercise teaches leg movement and aggression in the first and second pull to maximize power and performance.

Front Squat

Front squats are squats that are performed with a barbell. Unlike the back squats, the barbell is held on the chest. This gives more work to the upper body and core muscles, but it also works the glutes and thighs. Incorporating front squats into your training program has many benefits. First, it is enhanced muscle growth. Like back squats, front squats are also develop strength. Unlike traditional squats, front squats also engage the upper body. The chest muscles, upper back, shoulders, and arm muscles help support the bar when it is in on the shoulders. Another benefit of the front squat is that this movement can make other exercises easier to perform. For example, front squats develop the strength needed to perform deadlifts, clean, etc.

Back Squat

The back squat is a basic strength exercise in Olympic weightlifting, bodybuilding and powerlifting. One of the most effective not only in weightlifting, but also in general physical training. It is used as an auxiliary in almost all sports.The barbell back squat is a multi-joint movement that engages 250 large and small muscles.

What muscles are involved?

- quads;

- glutes;

- hamstrings;

- back extensors;

- abdominal muscles

The benefits of exercise for the athlete:

- development of power indicators;

- improving coordination and mobility by strengthening joints, ligaments and stabilizing muscles;

- prevention of dysfunctions of the pelvic organs due to increased natural blood circulation;

- the formation of a beautiful shape of the hips and buttocks.

Clean Pull

A fundamental and significant exercise for improving posture, balance, speed, and strength is the clean pull. Weightlifters typically use larger weights in this exercise than in the clean and jerk, allowing them to gain strength to advance in the clean and jerk. As part of a clean progression, the clean pull can also be utilized as a corrective exercise to enhance technique, train balance, and develop deadlift position. There are a lot of variations of clean pull: from block and hang positions, deficit, eccentric, paused. Also clean pull can be a part of clean or C&J complexes.