Clean and Jerk Programs

C&J SET combines a 2-target training program and  is designed to enhance your strength, power, and speed while honing your jerk and clean techniques. 

Dominate the competitions with amplified strength, explosive power, blazing speed, and technical excellence.




What you get: 

Two Goal Specific Training Programs:

1. Clean Cycle - 5 week Program Focused on Improving Clean ($34.90)

 2. Jerk Cycle - 5 week Program Focused on Improving Jerk ($34.90)


What you get: 

Two Goal Specific Training Programs:


1. Clean Cycle - 5 week Program Focused on Improving Clean ($34.90)

2. Jerk Cycle - 5 week Program Focused on Improving Jerk ($34.90)


The C&J set is the perfect way to gradually increase your weekly training volume. 

The clean and jerk training program is the perfect way to gradually increase your weekly training volume. 

The 10-week set has 50 sessions, organized into 2 cycles with increasing loads for each cycle that will lead you up towards reaching peak performance!

The 10-week set has 50 sessions, organized into 2 cycles with increasing loads for each cycle that will lead you up towards reaching peak performance!


C&J set is a long-term solution to gaining extreme strength & performance and KEEPING IT. 

Asymmetric loads highlight one of the classic exercises: CLEAN/JERK, which focuses on form while also training power output with lighter weights for faster reps or sets + higher intensities in order to build muscular endurance.

C&J set is a long-term solution to gaining extreme strength & performance and KEEPING IT. 

Asymmetric loads highlight one of the classic exercises: CLEAN/JERK, which focuses on form while also training power output with lighter weights for faster reps or sets + higher intensities in order to build muscular endurance.



10 weeks / 5 days a week / 60-90 minutes.



Increase Clean, Jerk.



Advanced to Intermediate 



Male & Female athletes.



Access to basic GYM equipment is suggested.


10 weeks / 5 days a week / 60-90 minutes.


Developing Clean, Jerk.


Advanced to Intermediate. 


Male & Female athletes.


Access to basic GYM equipment is suggested.


new result in Clean;

new result in Jerk;

✔ Improve Technique in Olympic Lifts;

✔ gain proficiency in classic movements.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Anthony Cook
Clean And Jerk

I've already bought your program for beginners, it's great. Everything is detailed, what to do and how to do it, how many sets. Now I decided to buy your program for my friend because I trust you. I also receive recommendations from you in the form of articles, they are very relevant.

We appreciate your trust in us and we're honored that you're considering buying our program for your friend as well. We strive to provide relevant recommendations through our articles, and we're glad to know they've been valuable to you.


First of all, I want to say that I have been reading your articles and watching your videos for the past year. That's why I decided to purchase your program. I've decided to follow clean and jerk program now, so to improve this lift. Thank you for your work.

Questions? Look Here!

What equipment do I need for the program?

How to use the Clean, Jerk Set?

We recommend starting this SET with a program that will help improve your underdeveloped movement. But if you have another specific goal, start with the program you need.

Can I use all of the programs several times in a row?

If you decide to diversify your training and go through all programs in a row, then we recommend doing a recovery deload cycle between them - (1-3 weeks).

What if I have more questions?



What Is Clean And Jerk In Weightlifting

Clean and jerk Olympic weightlifting exercises. At competitions this exercise is right after snatch. Olympic C&J is a technically complex exercise consisting of two different phases. First, the athlete takes the barbell to his chest, then pushes it out of his chest in an overhead position.

Styles of Jerk

There are three the most popular styles of jerk:

1. Split jerk - the athlete pushes the barbell from the chest up and throws one leg back, and the forward other, and after fixing his position, puts his legs in a line.

2. Push jerk - the athlete pushes the bar up with a jump, puts his feet apart, moves into a semi-squat, then rises to a flat fixation position with weight on stretched arms;

3. Squat jerk - the weightlifter pushes the barbell out of his shoulders and squats down as low as possible, holds the weight above his head, and stands in an even position.

In order for the judges to count the attempt, the athlete must stabilize the bar with equal hands above his head, straighten his knees, and put his feet in one line.

As a rule, the weight in the C&J is always 16-27% greater than in the first exercise - the snatch.

The C&J is a technically difficult exercise. Typically, intense clean & jerk training is performed by experienced and well-trained weightlifters. At the same time, even beginners perform C&J elements in their sessions.

The sequence of C&J learning is very important, as it is an crucial condition for preventing various injuries.

When athletes perform C&J on competition, their main goal is the biggest weight, personal records and victory.

Clean & jerk exercise is also one of the main strength exercises in Functional Fitness. But here sometimes other tasks are pursued. A clean and jerk workout program is included in the training scheme to increase the volume and overall intensity of the load in the session.  WODs with C&J elements are one of the most difficult due to the large working weights, a large number of repetitions and the need to follow technical rules.

Almost all muscles of the human body work during a C&J:

- quadriceps;

- glutes;

- spine extensors;

- triceps;

- deltoid;

- core muscles;

C&J technique

Of course, the most effective way to learn techniques is with the help of a professional coach. The most detailed description of the execution technique is given below. But it is important to remember one thing: only from the outside you can adequately evaluate the technical stuff and point out the shortcomings. If you don't have anyone to help you, record your training on video and analyze it. The most optimal is 45 degrees angle.

Even pro weightlifters have been working on their C&J technique for years. The C&J movement consists of a set of phases:

- initial (starting) position;

- clean pull;

- power position;

- turnover;

- recover

- dip & drive;

- catch.

First, all phases must be separately studied, practiced in order to learn the technique of the exercise. There is no need to rush in any case. Continue until your trainer is fully satisfied with the technique level. Only after the technique has been practiced with a PVC stick can you move on to C&J with light weight.


Initial (starting) position and pull

The main task of the initial position is powerful and rational angles for lifting the weight to the position at knee level for its further acceleration. Maximum power output and speed are not a priority specifically for the initial position and pull.

Things to remember:

- set the feet to the width of the shoulder joints;

- hands wider than shoulders, grip in a "hookgrip";

- the feet are turned slightly outward;

- the balance is in the middle of the feet;

- the lower back is straight;

- head and eyes looking forward;

- projection of the fingerboard to pass through the middle of the feet;

- shoulders are above the bar;

- the shins are bent forward a bit, so during pull it is possible to shift the knees back to obtain vertical support;

- the barbell can be at a minimum distance or touch the shin.

Power position is a part of the exercise when the knees and torso are bent, the athlete balances on a full foot, knees and shoulders joints are on the same vertical and their projection covers the weight.

The goal of the weightlifter is to give it the proper acceleration due to the powerful effort of the muscles of the lower limbs and the trunk and back.

Power position generates the necessary power due to the explosive work of the legs and back.

Incorrect execution of this phase provokes the following errors:

- tight hand muscles;

- weight in front;

- low speed.

- low power;

- incorrect movement biomechanics.

Turnover phase and barbell catch

Right after body extension, due to acceleration, the bar will be at the level of the athlete's chest, it is necessary to switch the vector of movement down and, very quickly, turn the elbow joints around the bar to meet it in a low position.

Rotation of the elbows is a main element in Clean Turnover that is most often overlooked by beginners athletes when studying Clean progression.


After fixing the weight on the shoulders in a low position, the weightlifter stands up. A significant technical task is the muscle work switch from eccentrical to concentrical. In fact this is a muscle switch from descending to the bottom of a full squat to immediately recover up into a position of standing. When the bar gets heavier, its oscillation can help but also hinder the athlete as it can bring even more load.

Right after recovery from a low position, the lifter has a few moments to prepare himself for the next part - jerk.



During preparation, the elbows should be kept wide apart to avoid position when weight is on the collarbones and chest, but on the shoulder joints and deltoids. The muscles of the trunk should be tight, the chest is open, the balance is in the middle or shifted on the heels, the muscles of the arms are completely relaxed. 

The high grade of the dip and drive phases is a necessary condition for stability in the jerk. Weightlifters often make the following mistakes: the dip is quick enough and cut, the drive is not strong enough and with an incomplete amplitude.

The reason for such errors is:

- lack of understanding of the exercise technique;

- low level of technique and coordination of the athlete; 

- weak muscles performing this movement.


The dip is an important part of the exercise, which provides acceleration of the weight during the drive. The level of the dip must be on average 10 (8-12) % of the weightlifter's height. The posture should be rigid and vertical, the arm muscles are relaxed, the balance at the level of the middle of the feet or slightly shifted to the heel.

Drive + catch in spit position

Explosively extending the knee joints, we begin to push the bar up. Some weightlifters perform fixation in the half squat, but due to anatomical features. But for most athletes, the fixation in split position is much easier and give chances to lift more weight. Athlete perform a strong jump up, take one leg back, the other forward. This element resembles a dynamic lunge. And when the athlete catches the balance, he can move the front leg, then the rear. After that, the weight can be lowered down onto the platform.

Clean And Jerk Benefits

1. More total force needed than in snatch

An athlete's C&J is often around 120% of the snatch, and this is because more brutal force required. Does it mean C&J "better" than snatch? Of course - no. Keep in mind that snatch ask for way more mobility and coordination.

2. Develops the cardiovascular system

There is still an old legend that cardio it is only running or swimming. But a lot of good can be gained by doing a clean and jerk workout . That's due to the obstacle: the barbell moves a long distance and works almost every body muscle, so just a small number of reps can get you out of breath — and get your heart pumping.

3. Develops anaerobic performance.

As we know weightlifting focuses on power production over short periods of time, it uses in priority energy system of the ATP-CP. Workout in this style develop both endurance together with anaerobic power, which can lead to better performance in sprint running and other intensive, short-duration exercises.

4. Reduces the risk of metabolic diseases

Many studies have shown that regular strength training and increasing general strength levels can reduce risk of metabolic syndrome developing.

5. Core made of steel

This is one of the main benefits of weightlifting. Lifting a big weights to your front rack position and holding it upright as you lift it overhead creates incredible trunk strength and stability and builds strong core muscles. This means better posture, a more injury-protected spine, and more efficient body mechanics.

6. Develops motor and neural skills

Motor skills usually refer to exercises that occur when the human nervous system, and body muscles work together.-When your all motor skills are better, the whole body is more efficient.

​7. Increases strength level

When the C&J is performed consistently with good technique and proper loading, it makes the athlete stronger with each session.

8. Increases balance

I think that is a greater display of balance than when a weightlifter sits and fights under a heavy bar. It is necessary to note that skill balance is an important indicator of longevity.

9. Fantastic vertical jumping ability

Weightlifters have any of the highest vertical jumps of any type of sport.

What's Important For Perfect Clean And Jerk

During the week, training loads must be properly distributed. A balance between snatch, C&J and strength exercises is the secret to an effective training program. If these rules are not followed, the athlete's body will not recover adequately. This will lead to overtraining and lack of progress, permanent injuries, sleep disturbances and nervous system fatigue.

Exercises To Improve Your Clean And Jerk Results 

Here is a list of the most important exercises for C&J:

- Power Clean - will help to develop speed and catch position;

- Clean complexes (with pulls od front squats) - will develop strength endurance;

- Clean pulls and squats - good for basic strength development;

- Jerk from rack - good for strength and technical progress;

- Clean + front squats + jerk - one of the best drill for strength and strength endurance progress;

- Push press and muscle clean - useful for general athleticism.

Common Clean And Jerk Programming Mistakes

1. It is inappropriate and dangerous to perform Olympic weightlifting exercises in regular sneakers. Be sure to buy yourself professional weightlifting shoes. They will stabilize the feet and ankle and help keep the body in the appropriate position during the exercise.

2. Find a professional trainer. You are unlikely to be able to fully learn the C&J exercise technique on your own. Remember that only by looking from the side you can adjust the movement technique.

3. It is important to pay attention to warming up the shoulders, elbows and wrists. When an athlete clean a barbell, upper body joints feel a significant load. Flexibility exercises should be used to strengthen joints and ligaments.